Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Passing It On

I've seen the movies - where one person does good for another person and then it inspires others to pass it on. I've seen it happen in stories - but I never quite grasped it until we were on the receiving end of such a wave of generosity and thoughtfulness when we were on Oahu going through our trial and loss of baby Samuel.

It is very humbling.  And inspiring.  And moving.

I will always be grateful for the way that my two little boys that passed away to PKD helped to change my heart.  How suffering through the trial with loosing them helped to give me an understanding of suffering and grief and in turn compassion.

That is where this little sewing project stems from.

Ross has a friend on Oahu who gave birth to a little boy who was diagnosed with a terminal disease.  She has been on my heart so much that I couldn't just think about her - my past experiences moved me to do something.  So a little care package of handmades are making their way to her.

For her baby that is struggling, a bib and burp cloth and a favorite book that we use to read to Liam - one about letting the stars guide your canoe to shore.  For her, a pouch to hold a journal and pens to document all of the beautiful experiences she has with her son.  And a big supply of chocolate for when hard days seem too heavy. And for her toddler, who is about Liam's age - a crayon roll equipped with our favorite fat crayons and a sketch book.  To help pass the time during all of those hours spent at the hospital.

I am so grateful for this opportunity to send a little love and thoughtfulness their way.  And it was a blessing to be able to do it in front of Liam.  To answer his questions when he asked, "What doing?" "What making?" I was able to explain that there was a sick baby that we were sending gifts to.  And he wanted to help.  So I let him sit in my lap and 'help' me.  He cut threads, removed pins, and picked out buttons.  Yes little boy of mine.  I need your help.  I need you to sit in my lap with your warmth to seep into me as I thank the Lord that you are healthy and alive.  I need you to witness what I am learning about giving and serving and to one day do it better than me.  

My heart is so full of so many different big emotions.  And I want to send it out into the world.  That life is hard but God gives grace.  And when you feel moved - Let yourself move.  Let yourself act. Let yourself respond.  Because in a moment when the dark seems so heavy and endless - I have come to understand that thoughtfulness manifested in a token or word or action - can be such a candle - and sometimes it can move the night right into day. 

I'm wishing all of you love and peace and joy today.  

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful and thoughtful gesture. I'm sure your friend and her family will feel the warmth of this kindness.
