Friday, February 7, 2014

A birthday present finish!!!

I can't believe I actually have a finish! It seems like it has been such a long time since I've been able to actually finish a project. Thank goodness for small motivating finishes!

I made a pouch for my sister using Chase's wonderful and easy mini Ipad tutorial .

We are four years apart but we share the same birthday: February 22... which is coming up fast! I have just enough time to drive into Kona and buy some cute things to put inside of it before I send it in the mail on Monday.

Since I moved to the Big Island, our birthdays have been hard because for the past twenty plus years we had celebrated it together. We both always get homesick for each other around that time... so I hope this handmade gift will help ease a bit of the biter sweetness!

I thought it would be perfect for her kindle. We both love to read and currently my favorite book recommendation from her has been Deborah Harkness's Discovery of Witches series (the third and final book in the trilogy "The Book of Life" is scheduled to come out on July 15th for those of you familiar with it!).  If you haven't read it and are looking for a cross between Harry Potter and Twilight, then I highly suggest it! =)

The reason my sister knows so much about books (other than the fact that she is a voracious reader) is that my sister is in her last semester of getting her graduate degree in library science!  I am so proud!!! I was working really hard to make her something special for this birthday, because I knew that she would need the encouragement during this last stretch.  I originally intended this to be her birthday present, but with the blessing of our first pregnancy and all the fatigue and sickness that comes in the first trimester, I fell behind. So hopefully I can finish her intended birthday quilt as a graduation quilt. ::fingers crossed::

It has been so nice being able to sew again. It has only been since the entry of our second trimester that I have been able to sit down with needle and thread... and oh how wonderful it is to be creative in this way again!

Well, I better run... Ross is going to be off of work in an hour to take me to my doctor's appointment and I better put my sewing stuff away! (Man I forgot how much of a mess I can make in seconds when I'm sewing! Whew!)  I'm hoping to continue working on a few more small projects in the near future. Things on my "hopeful" sewing list right now are:

  • A mini pincushion 
  • Kindle case using this as inspiration 
  • New mug rug 
The list could go on but I'm going to stick to three. =) What's on your "hopeful" sewing list? 

I'm going to be linking up to finish it friday at crazy mom quilts! 

Happy Sewing everyone! 

My beautiful big sister and I =) 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A bit of hand sewing and a bit of news

Although I have a lot on my plate concerning big projects, I just couldn't bring myself to sit and work on any of them. Today I needed a bit of play - and that came in the form of scraps and hand quilting on the couch while I watched Tangled over and over again.

So... the reason that I've bee MIA so often, and unable to pick up needle and thread... is because we are expecting our first baby!!!! =) Currently we just entered our second trimester and we are so excited and happy. I didn't have any energy the first trimester... and now that we are in our second, I find myself able to cook dinner and sew a bit. Today was a bad day though... I got sick in the morning and then started crying to Ross about not wanting to go to work. So I stayed home today and tried to take it easy and surround myself with happy things. Happy movies... happy colors... happy fabric. It was so healing to be able to sit quietly and find comfort in things that make me happy. I didn't pick up my phone... or text people... and I canceled my afternoon piano appointment because just the thought of having to work with students (be it at school or after) is just so overwhelming I'm afraid the water works would totally render me useless.

So today I stayed home and sat and stitched and watched movies and read a new blog that I am totally in love with and super inspired by! Only able to keep down toast and apple juice right now... but it's alright. I'm happy.

I'm excited for my next energy burst to see where my patchwork takes me. But for now my energy is spent and it is time for an afternoon nap.

Do you see that little robot girl up there? She's my favorite part. I liked her so much that she got a frame with pink pearl cotton.

::yawn:: I'll see you next time!

Happy Thursday.