Friday, July 18, 2014

Nesting syndrome equates sewing finishes!!!

Hello all! It's been a while since I last posted... but a lot has been going on in my small corner of the island. =) Officially we are two days away from baby being 38 weeks old! Almost there! We are going to be welcoming this little kicker into the world sooner than we know it! 

So of course - in between cleaning and washing and moving furniture around (Ross has been moving the heavy stuff!) there has been sewing going on! 

It was like a fever hit me and I needed to get projects out of my sewing basket... I'd wake up in the middle of the night dreaming of sewing finishes - because for some reason, I feel like these projects will never finish when the baby comes and then more new projects for baby would pile on top of these and .... ::shudder:: madness. Stress inducing madness I tell you! 

So here is a finish that I'd like to share from one of Ayumi's tutorials. Can I take a second to just say that her tutorials have taught me so much about sewing?  Not growing up with a sewing background, her pictures and steps are so clear that I've been able to teach myself how to make these wonderful zakka items for my home. Happiness! Her tutorials are VERY beginner friendly! 

 The linen is a bit wrinkly, but I kinda like it... it's charming. =)caption

I started these last year, but ran out of batting and backing - so of course, like I stated earlier - they stayed in my work basket for several months. 
 All six completed!

 I love the colors! They match the house so nicely. =) This is the last of the fabric from the anniversary fabric I made last year. You can read about other projects that I did with the fabric here, here, and here!
 Here is where my coasters and placemats live. They're ready to be used! This is actually the corner where I dream of a tea and coffee stand go... but until then, I'm happy with the way the space is being used. =)
 Doesn't the pairing look happy? =) 

It's raining outside so I'll have to wait on taking pictures of another happy finish! And this one is a quilt! =) So hopefully the sun will come out so I can get pictures of it!

Until next time... happy sewing!
Aloha ~ Karisma

Linking up to finish it up friday on crazy mom quilts! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A bit of a reflection

This is a picture of me during our San Diego trip...  35 weeks

This is a bit of an aside from my normal crafty posts, but I just wanted to share about what has been going on for the past few weeks. The baby has been growing so steadily. I've dubbed baby as my little kicker because it is so active and strong.

As the time approaches to welcome this little bundle into my life - I find my thoughts wandering to this changing season. Questions of what life will be like... how it will change.

Ross and I have decided that I will stay home with the baby. For those of you reading who are stay at home moms, do you remember your thoughts before reality hit? I keep wondering if I'll be ok. If I'll be able to weather the change with grace...

I love being home. I've always been more of a homebody than anything - but there's a difference between wanting to stay home and having to stay home isn't there?

Please don't think I'm complaining about having to stay home. I find myself unbelievably blessed to be able to stay home and raise our child in the way that Ross and I want to. I'll be able to stay home and witness all of this child's life...

So why am I nervous? Well.. having worked in education and being active in the community - I kinda feel like I'll miss it. I feel like the thoughts though I've been having though are residual feelings from closing that particular season of my life. I will miss the educational setting... But I'm realizing that just because I'll be staying home doesn't mean that I won't be teaching and learning. I'll just have a smaller more intimate circle in which to teach. And God has been so good. I know He knows me - and my needs. He has been increasing my piano students and even opened up opportunities to include teaching/tutoring some homeschooling students in writing and composition. All of these working opportunities can be done from home... what a blessing! And most importantly - I'll have this child to teach and learn from on a daily basis!

I've been reading a lot about transitioning to being a stay at home mom. And there have been some nuggets of wisdom that have really stuck to me. I've actually started trying to do them and lately it has given me a confidence booster.  I'd like to share them... Some places I've been reading have been here and here. If you have other articles or blog posts that are helpful please send them my way! I'd love to read more! =) 

1. The first tip that stuck out to me was that a routine should be established.
          Lately I've been getting up, showering, getting dressed, putting in my contacts, and even putting on the minimal amount of make up I usually put on for work: eyeliner and chapstick. Now - if you know anything about me it would be that I love being home in my boxers and eyeglasses whenever I have day off... which usually makes me feel relaxed and ready for a day of sewing or movies or both. But getting ready for the day as if I were going to work - makes me ready for work!
          Also, I've started my morning devotional time again... ::hanging head:: I'm ashamed to say that I've gotten out of the habit of reading and praying in the morning... today is a new day though and starting it off with the Lord has been amazing and healing! =)

2. The second was structure.
          I LOVE To - Do lists. Being able to cross them off and get a sticker for a completed day has always been my weakness. I use school planners that have a monthly calendar as well as weekly calendar. The month calendar is used for birthdays and anniversaries  (so we can budget ahead and I can plan for homemade items) and appointments. The weekly calendar works as my To-Do list area. This is where I also plan my menu for the week so I can make sure I have all the ingredients in my fridge and pantry for the week. (Great budget tip!)
A couple of other tips were to have house cleaning chores set on certain days. For example in my mind - floors and bathrooms would be scrubbed on monday. Laundry would be tackled on Tuesday... etc. 

3. Another tip was to get out of the house 2-3 times a week. 
            Ross and I attended a Dave Ramsey class with the young people of our church before we were married, and we learned SO MUCH about budgeting and living within your means. So - I made a list of places I could go that wouldn't stretch the budget so much. 
            1. Library - books for me and books for baby! 
            2. Park for walks - a place to get the required vitamin D! 
            3. Another fellow stay at home mom's house - where a bit of baking and coffee could be   
                shared over a visit. =) 
            4. On brave days - beach days. =) 
            5. On less brave days - picnics in the backyard with a picnic quilt that I've been drafting in my     
So - from point two - needing structure. One or two days would be outing days... as long as the cleaning and laundry were done! =) Perhaps Thursdays or Fridays. =) Wednesdays would be set aside for appointments. Baby appointments, doctors, dentist etc. And then when we didn't have appointments, perhaps they would be days for visits. =) 

4. The last tip that really stuck to me was to get some ME time
                  Me time currently equates to reading and sewing. Happiness! So perhaps one of baby's nap times can equate to a bit of me time. I already tagged a couple of sewing projects in these books. They've been keeping me company when I can't sleep at night. =) 

I know that when our little kicker comes, life will change and these four tips may or may not work... but it is nice to know that I have a starting point prior to the baby coming - and have a bit of a plan to fall back on so that I don't feel like I'm grasping for straws. 

I am oh so looking forward to being a mother... I just pray for the grace to be one that will do right by the child God has granted me. 

Do you have any tips for this transition?