Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Something New

A new project is underway here! With Liam's birthday just months away, I am trying to start my birthday presents for him! This is actually an ideal project to work on while Liam naps. This little boy of mine likes to feel the comfort of mama close to him while he sleeps - his naps tend to be longer, and with this teething process underway, it is working out best for us if I stay close by. Cuddles and stitches! The best kind of hour spent! 

This project has been so nice. It is really helping to motivate me to learn more about embroidery. For the B stitch I learned two new stitches using these really easy to understand videos on youtube: the stem stitch and the fly stitch. It is so amazing how giving people are in their knowledge... it is even more amazing how we can access such a large store of knowledge on the internet! We are able to learn so much!  

There is so much stitching going on in this little corner of my world! What is in your work basket? 

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