Friday, June 27, 2014

Family Heirloom Quilt

I taught myself how to sew from tutorials on the internet a year and a half ago and have been so excited to continue to learn and grow with the completion of each project. So, with that being said - I didn't grow up with a quilting grandmother. But yesterday my husband's mother gave me the his old baby blanket that her mother had made him. It's a traditional hawaiian quilt - all made by hand. The appliqué is so beautiful and the echo stitching so even. I told my mother-in-law I was going to turn it into a wall hanging because I was too scared to use it and maybe even stain it in anyway. She kindly asked me to not hang it - but to use it for the coming baby. After thinking about it, I can see her point. Quilts that have so much love wrapped up in their work need to be used... It's almost a crime to not use them.  I think it passes on love and thoughtfulness to those who get to use it. I feel the same about my own quilts. I love seeing them being used. 

Although this quilt is already so special - it is made even more special seeing as how my husband's grandmother passed away this year. How extraordinary - even though she isn't with us anymore - love and warm wishes get passed onto this great grandchild of hers. 

The colors and fabric choices also speak of a different time. My husband's grandmother used whatever fabric was available. During her memorial a friend of hers said that she grew up in a hard way. She was the oldest of the siblings and had to take care of everyone. Thriftiness can be seen in her work. It's scrappy and beautiful. I am so honored and blessed to be a part of a craft that is able to pass on a heritage and love. I am super blessed to be in possession of this family heirloom. 

Do you have any stories about family heirloom quilts? 

First Baby Sewing

I was so inspired by the fabrics I bought in San Diego, I knew I needed to start my baby sewing. =) So I made burp cloths using this tutorial  It was very easy to follow, and as soon I did my test one (the gray and red sailing ship one) I was on a roll! I made six in total. I don't know if that's a good number to stop at - but seeing as how we still have our baby shower to attend, I'm trying to hold off on the sewing to make sure I don't have too much of one thing. 

It was my first time working with chenille and terri cloth - and man do they make a mess! Especially cutting into the chenille! It was like white fluff everywhere. Ross came home to pick something up during lunch and he saw the mess and all he did was say "whoa." I turned to him with chenille fluff all over me and couldn't help but smile. He liked the burp cloths though. His favorite was the one with the little frogs. 

So even though chenille is messy to cut into - the end result is sooooooo soft! I think I've finally jumped on the chenille band wagon. Glad I picked up two yards while I was in San Diego since I can't get in on the Big Island. I can't wait to use them!!! =) 

Happy Sewing everyone! 

Linking up to crazy mom quilts for finish it friday 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

New Things

I was able to make a couple of stops of Joanns while we were in San Diego. I'm so jealous of the modern selections that I was able to find... oh if I lived back in SD... but since I don't I stocked up on some cute prints... primarily for baby things. I don't have a plan - just grabbed a half a yard of anything that made me happy. 
I got some new notions too... Cotton thread, more basting pins, and some adorable linen ribbon and craft string for when I make drawstring bags. 

I was able to find some chenille too - I bought a couple of yards. They don't carry it in Hawaii. I guess it might be too warm of a material to work with... but I'm looking forward to using it for burp cloths and bibs. =) Some nice teal terri cloth found its way home as well.

Oh my goodness. I'm so inspired to start working on baby things! =) I''ll keep you posted of new developments. =)

Happy Sewing!

Back From San Diego! Food Post!

Hello all! Sorry it's been so quiet on the blog. Ross and I were on the mainland visiting my family before the baby comes and now we are back. This isn't one of my usual posts, but I just wanted to take a moment to share some of the amazing food that we were able to eat and sample while we were there.  As mentioned - this is a food post... so if mouth watering San Diego food doesn't appeal...sorry! Not really... =)

My dad has the most fruitful apple tree... so of course I had to bake a pie! You can find the crunch top apple pie recipe here. Every time I've made it it's been a hit. So if you're looking for a pie recipe you have to try this one! =) 

Since my sister graduated with her masters, she wanted a fruit tart. So my dad and I drove to Hans and Harry's Bakery. I have to admit I was a bit flabbergasted. I have forgotten what it was like to have  made day of deserts all lined up like this in several shelves. There were three shelves and refrigerated shelves full of delicate tarts, puffs, danish, oooooh so many other lovely things. We don't have bakerys like this back home in Hawaii - so what a treat! =) 

Ahhh - if there was ever a pregnancy craving that has been so prominent - it has been an Inn and Out burger and fries. That's all I have wanted to eat during this pregnancy... I've scoured the Big Island looking for a burger that can compare and unfortunately I haven't found a substitute. =( So I have to wait for our yearly pilgrimage to my hometown for this wonderful taste. I must have dragged the family there a half dozen times during our visit there. =) 
I didn't want to give you a play by play of everything we ate - but here is a collage of lovelies that my pallet got to sample while we there on vacation. 

If you're ever in San Diego and you're hankering for yummies I must recommend the following places: 

Arigato in La Mesa  for Sushi (sorry! Could only find a Facebook link!) 
Gyu-Kaku for Japanese BBQ 
Phils BBQ (Must go! Ribs are amazing! Onion rings are my favorite!!)
Rakiraki Ramen & Tsukemen for amazing Ramen

Hmmm.... I'm just realizing that burgers and Japanese have been high on the eat list this trip. =)


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

For my sister

Happy Wednesday everyone! This set of six crochet coasters was intended for a mother's day present for my sister... but I had my heart set on finding a wooden bowl for them, and it just wasn't coming together until now. Either the bowl was too small, or too shallow... but now - with the perfect find, this present has come together just like I saw it in my head. Isn't it wonderful when that happens?

I'm so excited to be able to finally gift these to her. She doesn't have coasters in her house (to be honest I don't even know if she'd use them) but it is nice to know that they're there if her family or her guests wants one.

These are actually the same pattern for ones that I made for myself in aqua a month ago.

Now we both have a set on our homes... and that makes me feel a little closer to her somehow. Do you like the kitchen towel in the picture above? It was a present from one of my closest friends here on Big Island. She is an amazing crafter as well... she had actually bought the same fabrics that I had bought when we first moved into our house to make handmade touches. 

With these fabrics I made 
 the patchwork pillow with the appliquéd turtle for our living room... 
 our first set of coasters! 
and an unfinished project of six placemats... I ran out of fabric to back them with... so unfortunately they are still in the sewing basket... ::frown:: need to finish those! 

And now I can add my pretty kitchen towel to the mix, and it makes everything seem so nice and loved and handmade. That's the best kind of cozy feeling isn't it? 

Well I better get going - Happy crafting everyone! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

For my parents

Hello everyone! =) Remember my WIP pile that carried over from 2013? Well, the Walker Wall Hanging on the top has been completed - and now the bottom quilt sandwich that still needed hand quilting is now complete. =) It was intended for my parents and I am so excited to be able to give it to them! That leaves two more in the pile to go! Slowly working my way through them...

So here it is! Finish from the pile number two: the blue and white herringbone half triangle quilt for my parents'  dad's birthday, anniversary,  I'm glad you're my parents present. =) Don't you love it when late deadlines make you change the purpose of the gift? 

I love sewing with solid half triangles. They just seem to like me because they go together so smoothly. Unlike patchwork... patchwork and I are still trying to iron out some issues... I also love the herringbone design. It has such clean lines! I'm so excited to give it to them!!! I think I said that already didn't I?

It's bound in a mustard yellow and backed with a blue floral print from my lqs... can you tell I don't keep track of fabric names?

I was originally wanting to finish my sister's hexi quilt - I actually finished the quilt top, but when I measured out my batting I found that I was needing more. Since my local quilting shop is an hour away it wasn't going to happen before we left for our trip. =( But it's ok. Because my sister is coming out in a month to be here hopefully during baby's delivery time so I still have another window to get it sandwiched and quilted and bound. I just hope that this third trimester energy burst keeps up!

I can't wait to get the rest of these projects crossed off my list. I feel like I can't start baby projects until all of these WIPs are off my sewing table... I better hustle too - cause baby is scheduled to come in about 9 weeks!

Does a WIP pile keep you from starting new projects?