The days have been so much cooler, and the rain is finally here. That wonderful cooler rain that we have been waiting for. That stay in all day and bake and sew and play all day rain. It has been amazing to watch Liam play lately. We were playing with his kitchen things, and I noticed that when I gave him a bowl to pass to bear, he blew on an apple before gently shoving into bear's face. He blew on bear's food. Like I blow on his food. Oh my heart! He is changing so much on a day to day basis. The way that he plays is changing. He enjoys playing with others. He will happily pound on his hammer and peg toy for a few seconds before coming to find me at the table where I am trying to get a few stitches in and handing his hammer to me. Mommy's turn, he says to me in his Liam language. And oh how he can talk in his language! He communicates so much with his little pointer finger and his sounds that will soon take the shape of words. Da da da da Daa Dee.... he says throughout the house. Ross smiles and answers, "yes son?" And then they sit and have a conversation.
My sewing machine has been busy lately. So busy that I think it runs out of steam and that's when I have problems. So back to hand sewing it is to give it a bit of a break. Right now I am working on a little mini quilt for Liam's play corner. The animal block designs are from this book and they were so charming to stitch up! They are so life like. I love the way that the eyes are designed, it really gives those little animals so much personality! I will take more pictures of them when the project is completed. Right now I'm having so much fun hand quilting it during those few precious moments during the day. Nap time. What a wonderful time. Lately my sister has got me hooked on a book series called Lunar, and a Master Piece theater show Poldark. She's a librarian and she knows all the good stuff. Fairytale spin offs and period dramas. Just our cup of tea. It has taken me eight good nap times to finish the first season of Poldark. If you haven't watched it, I seriously recommend it. The story line is so beautiful and the setting so inspiring. So much beautiful linen in that show! I want to sew everything with linen nowadays.
Liam has been busy in the creating process himself. Painting is what this little boy loves. Painting on paper, on his body, everywhere. His creations are actually starting to really come along. He sits and creates for longer stretches of time instead of swiping his hand across the page once and then moving on. We made a paper streamer kite one afternoon and he has been flying it around the house. He is excellent at creating messes as well. Oh the messes that boy can do with food! But give him a cookie, and I must say he eats the entire thing so nicely. Hardly any big clumps are left. He had his first cookie this weekend. He now points to our cookie container regularly and says, "Ai, ai, ai..." which I have translated to mean, "I want one". How can I do anything but smile and break him off half a cookie. Oh my stars this little boy has my heart wrapped around his little pointing finger.
I have a pile of fabric and patterns and a list all made for winter clothes for Liam. That is, until my dad sent us a whole box of pants and jackets. And surprise surprise, Ross' mom dropped off an entire bag of clothes shortly after that. What a blessing to have grandparents that love him so! This little boy I must say has more clothes than I do! Now I am feeling a bit torn. Do I create just to create even though we have an abundance of clothes to see him through the winter? Decisions. Decisions.