Friday, August 28, 2015

Passing it on

Liam attends a preschool two days a week and I must say that it is one of the highlights of our week. It is funded by a special grant that promotes Hawaiian values, culture, and language.  Liam and I both learn so much through this program. We are very grateful to be able to be a part of the school. Yesterday we went on a field trip to a warehouse by the beach that was the work place for Makali'i, one of the eight sea voyaging canoes in Hawaii. I loved listening to the story of the creation. How those that were involved wanted to do everything as their ancestors did. How the wood came from the land. Everything, even the ropes, were all made from things of the island. The people here are working so hard to conserve their culture. To pass on this ancient knowledge to the next generation. And there are so many beautiful things about it. The care of things. The love of community. More and more I learn to fall in love with this place. With these people. 

I came home and immediately picked my Hawaiian appliqué project up. And as I sat here stitching, I thought back to the day that my auntie taught me how. How knowledge is so beautiful in the way that it is passed from person to person, generation to generation. Those are the best moments. Those teaching moments. When you learn something that changes your life. That rewrites a part of someone else's history into yours. Beautiful. What our hands can do. The things that we choose to reflect our hearts. 

I was so moved. I hope you have a moment today. One that reaches out to you and makes you pay attention and stop and absorb. Cause truly, those are the most vivid of memories when we look back aren't they? That we remember. 



  1. What a wonderful program to be part of! Hope you keep enjoying it. xx

    1. Thank you! We do love the program and enjoy it weekly! Aloha.

  2. Oh wow that sounds amazing; what a treat to get to see the canoes up close. And I love your appliqué, it's beautiful!

    1. Hi Carrie! It was so wonderful to hear of the history. Thank you for the kind words. It has been so much fun learning about Hawaiian quilting. It was what I first started off with. =)

  3. What a special field trip, how wonderful that a pre-school like that exists. The connections made to culture and history are truly amazing.

    1. Hi sunflowerous! Yes it is such a blessing that he is able to attend this school. I am learning so much along side of him! Thank you so much for stopping by again and for saying such encouraging things! =)

  4. So amazing what humans can make and pass on from generation to generation. So wonderful to be children of a great Creator! And fantastic that little Liam can be exposed to it at such a young age! Hugs, Ann

  5. That's it - house swap. You come to Italy and I'll come spend a bit of time on that beach!
