Monday, August 31, 2015

To the beach we go!

To the beach we go! The day was beautiful that day. The air crisp with a slight breeze. The view beautiful as we could see Maui in the distance. We are in our fourth week of weekly beach visits and we are still going strong! I relish the beach mornings that Liam and I share. It is becoming a part of our weekly rhythm. Its like he can tell. On the day that he sees me reach for his little green bucket of beach toys, when his board shorts go on, when the air smells like sunscreen... yes little boy... to the beach we go. To play with the sand, to feel it between our fingers and toes.  To listen to the waves crashing against the shore. To slip a rock or a shell into our bucket so that we can bring it home to remember.  Chores and To do lists begone with you. There are adventures to be made!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Passing it on

Liam attends a preschool two days a week and I must say that it is one of the highlights of our week. It is funded by a special grant that promotes Hawaiian values, culture, and language.  Liam and I both learn so much through this program. We are very grateful to be able to be a part of the school. Yesterday we went on a field trip to a warehouse by the beach that was the work place for Makali'i, one of the eight sea voyaging canoes in Hawaii. I loved listening to the story of the creation. How those that were involved wanted to do everything as their ancestors did. How the wood came from the land. Everything, even the ropes, were all made from things of the island. The people here are working so hard to conserve their culture. To pass on this ancient knowledge to the next generation. And there are so many beautiful things about it. The care of things. The love of community. More and more I learn to fall in love with this place. With these people. 

I came home and immediately picked my Hawaiian appliqué project up. And as I sat here stitching, I thought back to the day that my auntie taught me how. How knowledge is so beautiful in the way that it is passed from person to person, generation to generation. Those are the best moments. Those teaching moments. When you learn something that changes your life. That rewrites a part of someone else's history into yours. Beautiful. What our hands can do. The things that we choose to reflect our hearts. 

I was so moved. I hope you have a moment today. One that reaches out to you and makes you pay attention and stop and absorb. Cause truly, those are the most vivid of memories when we look back aren't they? That we remember. 


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My Sewing Basket

With Liam's birthday projects finished, my focus has turned towards this sewing basket of mine that is indeed overflowing with current projects that need finishing.  I thought that I'd take a moment and share them with you. I think sharing them with you might help me get inspired to actually work on these lovelies. 

 In my sewing basket there is one garment for Liam. I ran out of linen for one of the sides of this reversible pattern, so now I have to cut from another piece of linen. I haven't been liking the idea because it won't match up - I think that's why these have been in the basket for so long. I could just scrap them. ::sigh:: Decisions Decisions.

There are two quilts that are on the list for this year. Two quilts that need to get finished this year. The first is this log cabin quilt that I started while I was in San Diego. Please don't mind the wrinkles. As I mentioned - they have been sitting in my basket for a while! I love the colors in this one. So happy and vibrant.

A second of the two quilts has already been cut - it just needs to get put back together. Oh my. Gotta get cracking!

My oldest WIP in the basket. A pot holder that I put together to practice my Hawaiian appliqué. I think I am half way done with the quilting. I should just finish it already.

The patchwork for an intended drawstring bag. I was suppose to be for me, but I think I might use it for a birthday present for a friend that is coming up.

Oh these sampler blocks. I started a virtual quilt along over at Amy's blog  and I just never finished them. I don't know what I am going to do with them. I haven't decided yet. But they are hanging out waiting for me to fall in love with them again.

This is one of the two projects that are actually holding my attention as of late. A cushion intended for the living room. It has a twin brother, waiting in the sewing basket as well. I am almost done with the appliqué and will be moving on to the hand quilting portion. Hand work seems to be what I have been gravitating towards as of late. The slower pace. The quiet. The ability to set down and hold a waking little boy. Those qualities in handwork seem to be what the flow of the day allows.

This is currently where all of my attention is going. Tiny little imperfect hand stitches going into a piece of patchwork. I am hoping to turn it into a holder for my correspondence supplies. We will see though. Patchwork like this makes me the happiest. So full of color and memory. All of the blocks were actually scraps from the mother day bags that I sent my mom and sister. It was nice. I didn't have to cut a single piece of fabric in this project.

Do you have projects waiting for those pockets of free time that allow you to create? I seem to have more projects than pockets at the moment but I'm ok with that. It's the process of creating that I love.  The product is just the icing.

What are you currently working on at the moment?

Linking up to WIP Wednesdays 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Stickers and Stitches

The rain was cool today. So thankful to have a bit of a break from the humidity. It rained all day. A lovely constant pitter patter against the roof.  Liam slept deeply after a day of play. Books, Balls, Kitchen play while I made cookies. So many new emerging favorite things. Currently he likes taking out the crochet coasters from their holder. It's so surprising - the things that keep his attention at this stage. Stickers were introduced today and I remembered what it was to play. That silly type of play where you laugh from your belly and feel it in your toes. A bit of a book was read while eating and drinking a second cup of coffee during Liam's nap time. A grown up book I might add. One where I can read quietly in my head and does not require the use of a falsetto.  Stitches were put into a bit of patchwork. All of these things. Blessings. Things that I never want to take for granted. The wonderfully everyday happenings. The highlights. My favorite moments. The small things that stack up to be the components of a truly wonderfully complete day. 

How was your day friends?